世界上没有一个妈妈不爱自己的孩子的,是不是每一个妈妈都了解自己的孩子呢?这可难说了。我的妈妈中等身材,乌黑的头发,一双炯炯有神的' 眼睛。
One day, my school held a parents' meeting. Although my mother was busy with her work, she arrived at the time I said.
Once, I was in the kitchen cutting apples, accidentally, the knife slipped on my right index finger, I was shocked. Just watching the blood drop by drop. My mother saw and said nothing. She took my hand and ran to the hospital quickly. The doctor wrapped it up for me and said to my mother, "it's OK. You should be careful in the future. It's better not to touch water these days." My mother was still worried and talked to the doctor for a long time.
Spring is pure, but pure but mother's love; flowers are beautiful, but beautiful but mother's heart. Mother, how I want to shout to the sky, "ah, my good mother, I love you!"