毕业典礼的英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟汇总
毕业典礼的英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟篇一
to help you get started, let me offer some quick advice for dealing with modern-day sophists who try to obscure – and deny – truth.
when those …when those in the political arena engage in name-calling and other schoolyard chants, and are trying to distract your attention away from the real issues and from their inability to address them or their unwillingness to put forward practical solutions – don’t be distracted.
when they tolerate attacks on minority groups, especially those who profess a faith that some find threatening, they are empowering those who traffic in hatred – don’t tolerate it.
when they denounce journalists as ‘enemies of the state,’ and declare any critical coverage to be ‘fake news,’ and dress up lies as ‘alternative facts,’ they are trying to fool you into trusting only the news that comes from their mouths – don’t be fooled.
when they exaggerate the risks we face from immigrants without talking about all the benefits they have brought to our country, they are preying on people’s fears – don’t let them get away with it.
when they tell…try to tell you who you can love, or even who you can be, they are either pandering for votes or playing god – don’t put up with it.
when they promise you a free lunch, or free college, or free medical care, or free income, remember that a bill always comes due – don’t let them pass the buck.
when they prevent speakers from being heard, by shouting them down or creating spaces where differing opinions are not permitted, they are trying to win arguments by bullying and censorship instead of facts and reason. don’t let them suppress free speech even…even when you find that speech to be deplorable. protecting their right to speak is the only way to protect your right to speak.
when people romanticize the past, just remember something my mother, who lived to 102, told me: the good old days were never that good.
毕业典礼的英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟篇二
and then others will look to you, not with pity but with hope, because your strength will become their hope, their strength.
you really can be that powerful.
you can ditch the victim story, you can leave the pain behind and focus on how you will react next. how you will react positively.
read. read all you can read to get your mind in a positive place.
take steps to ensure you will be in a better position next time – whatever pain you are suffering – how can you ensure it won’t show again – take little steps… and soon you will be at the top of the stair case.
don’t give up
you are worthy
you are more than worthy!
you deserve to experience how great life can be – and you owe it to the world to be that positive change for others. to inspire others – who will look to you and say – he did it, she did it, and i can do it too.
don't give up. you are worthy. you are more than worthy!
毕业典礼的英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟篇三
i want you to know that, no matter where you are in life… no matter how low you have sunk… no matter how bleak your situation… this is not the end.
this is not the end of your story
this is not the final chapter of your life.
i know it may be hard right now
but if you just hang in there
stick it out
stay with me for a little while…
you will find, that this tough moment will pass, and, if you are committed to using this pain, using it to build your character, finding a greater meaning for the pain, you will find that, in time, you can turn your life around, and help others going through the same struggles.
毕业典礼的英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟篇四
graduates, you’re probably asking yourself some big, important questions right now on this important day, like how am i going to make a living? will i ever have a mattress as nice as the one i had in the forty? will i ever again experience the magic of free uber rides?
and the biggest question of all, after chancellor wrighton retires, will he still wear double-breasted suits? i’m going to say yes to that one.
today, you’ll have to say farewell to many of the things that served as your support system and that got you through these stressful times, like ted drewes, toasted ravs, john’s donuts, gooey butter cake. thank goodness, washu has also one of the world’s best medical centers.
now, before i go any further, let me take a moment to congratulate another group who is here today and does deserve a lot of credit, and i’m talking about your parents and your family. what about a nice round of applause for them?
they’re out there beaming, not even thinking about the cost of tuition, and i’m sure they are just thrilled that some of you will be moving back into their basements.
wherever you’re headed in the days and months ahead, i want to leave you with some food for thought, so let me turn to the real message of my speech.
毕业典礼的英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟篇五
and i just can’t keep living this way
so starting today, i’m breaking out of this cage
i’m standing up, imma face my demons
i’m manning up, imma hold my ground
i’ve had enough, now i’m so fed up
time to put my life back together right now
it was my decision to get clean, i did it for me
admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you
so i could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through
and don’t even realize what you did, believe me you
i been through the ringer, but they can do little to the middle finger
i think i got a tear in my eye, i feel like the king of
my world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead
no more beef flingers, no more drama from now on, i promise
to focus solely on handling my responsibilities as a father
so i solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it
you couldn’t lift a single shingle lonely
cause the way i feel, i’m strong enough to go to the club
put a corner pub and lift the whole liquor counter up
cause i’m raising the bar, i shoot for the moon
but i’m too busy gazing at stars, i feel amazing and
i’m not afraid to take a stand
everybody come take my hand
we’ll walk this road together, through the storm
whatever weather, cold or warm
just let you know that, you’re not alone
holla if you feel that you've been down the same road
毕业典礼的英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟篇六
let me say that again.
the reason anyone gets depressed always comes down to the consistent thoughts we think, and the consistent beliefs we hold.
if i believe i am fat, horrible, ugly and unworthy of love, i will most likely become depressed or have depression thoughts
if my thought process is “i must be in a relationship and earn x amount to be happy” i might get depression if i don’t achieve those goals.
the point here is that anyone that is depressed, is so, because there is an external factor that didn’t materialize in their life – i.e…. (they have lost something outside of their control, or don’t have something that is out of their control) the most common reasons for depression are : a lost a job, relationship break downs or non existence, body image, comparison to others.
the only way out of this is to work on yourself, every day.
in school we are taught how to get a job, but no one teaches us how to live in a state of happiness. no one teaches us how important our conscious and unconscious thoughts and associations are.
is our happiness not worth more than a job?
yes it is.
and before you say, happiness won’t pay my bills – happiness will pay your bills, when you realize you will be 10 times more energized, focused and take positive action in your life, when you first choose to develop yourself as a priority, and then get to all the “stuff” of the world.
毕业典礼的英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟篇七
finally, when leaders wrap themselves in the flag, or the national anthem, and try to make you think that critics of your government don’t love and respect our country, real patriotism isn’t about honoring symbols. real patriotism is about bringing truth to light, and when action is required, standing up and taking action.
in other words, real patriotism is about taking pains. so if you remember nothing else from today, remember that phrase. or, to make it even simpler, just remember: t-pain.
graduates, as you leave this great university, i hope you will take the pains that are necessary to preserve and extend our democracy. take pains to understand the other side. take pains to expose lies. take pains to reject scapegoating and xenophobia. take pains not to fall for easy answers. and take pains to hold our leaders accountable for their words and their deeds.
if you do that, i have no doubt that truth – and america – will prevail. and my generation will be able to say, as we pass the leadership torch to yours, the same words that washington spoke with his last breath: ‘tis well.
so tonight, have one last drink, maybe at t’s, dance to your own beat or to the beat of ninja turtle backpack guy, and tomorrow, get to work. the world needs you more than ever.
congratulations, and good luck.
毕业典礼的英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟篇八
well, good morning, everyone. hello, washu, how is everyone doing?
let me start with the most important words i can say today: congratulations to the distinguished graduates of the great class of 20xx.
i’d like to welcome everyone here – and chancellor wrighton for extending the invitation. i’ve known the chancellor for more than a decade, and i want to congratulate him for everything he has done to both transform this campus and raise academic standards.
if there are…if there are any older alumni present, be glad you applied back when you did. i can just tell you that certainly i would not have gotten into washu today. for the record, i was the kind of student who always made the top half of the class possible.
graduates, it’s a great honor to be your commencement speaker. i accept the fact that i wasn’t your first choice. but unfortunately, t-pain couldn’t make it. mandatory vocal rest, he said. actually, that’s the same reason i didn’t go out last night and sing karaoke at t’s.
today’s a beautiful day. but this is st. louis, and so before leaving my hotel this morning, i also packed a winter parka.
i drove over here, and i was lucky: i found a very convenient parking space – on west campus – so i took the shuttle over. it was worth it. what an amazing place this is. where else could i see the bunny? and the duc.
still, i was disappointed that, in all my walking around, i did not get to see the school’s most famous icon: ninja turtle backpack guy. demetri, way to dance to your own beat.